Qualifications: Longstanding background in management of Operational Excellence in a Safe & Professional Manner / Continuous Improvement / Kaizen / Lean Manufacturing / TPM / Information Flow & Management / Overseeing Multiple Project Activities / Production / Quality Inspection / Maintenance / Eliminating Non-Value Added Tasks / VSM/ Lead Time Reduction / Process Flow Improvement / Financial Analysis / Budgeting / P&L / Cost Savings / Six Sigma / Distribution / Supply Chain / Market Expansion / Developing Human Resources & Training / Manpower Retention / Organizational efficiency / Material Planning & Purchasing / Quality Assurance / Environmental Health and Safety / Workflow Analysis / JIT, / all Aspects of Toyota Production System (TPS) Tools: 5'S / SMED / Pokka Yoke / Kanban / KPI's / Layouts & Work Cell Design / One-Piece Flow / QFD / DFA/DFM, & more. Also, in providing Maintenance / Preventive Maintenance / Manufacturing Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Automotive Assembly / Industrial Engineering / Customer Satisfaction / ISO 9000 & 14000, and General Business Administration. Accomplishments: * Trained Lean Manufacturing = the Toyota Production System (TPS): The goal of TPS is to maximize value by eliminating waste. The TPS defines WASTE as activities that consume TIME, RESOURCE, IDLE EQUIPMENT, INVENTORY, and/or SPACE but do not add VALUE. I Practiced & Trained at the South Korean Air Force, at the DuPont in Athens, the University of Georgia Printing / publication Department, Southwire, and Nisshinbo Automotive Manufacturing. I Highly Increased the productivity from the beginning to the end of my employment there. * Trained Kaizen: It means to create new ideas to achieve continual improvement through small changes that maximize value. I replaced the adjustable wrench from one size wrench at 8 mm bolt that came with the original equipment was installed to adjust for the conveyer speed. The conveyer's speed changes were by the weight. The operator needed to adjust this from time to time. It was simple and quick if the operator used one size wrench but if he used an adjustable wrench it took more time and the manufactured items were jammed on the conveyer. Then the operator must have stopped the equipment and cleaned up the conveyer first to rerun. I replaced all of the original adjustable wrenches to the one size, 8 mm wrench. After that I highly increased the number of quality products. * Trained VSM (Value Stream Mapping): It is a Lean Manufacturing technique used to analyze & design the flow of MATERIALS & INFORMATION required to bring a product or service for a customer. It is a graphical representation of all tasks and activities needed to transform input materials and information into an output. After I trained and practiced VSM, all tasks and activities needed to TRANSFORM the input materials and information into an output SMOOTHLY / NONSTOP ran through JIT. * Trained Six Sigma: It means measure of quality that strives for near perfection (100%). It is a disciplined, data-driven approach & methodology for eliminating defects, identifying & removing waste & improve the quality of the output process (driving toward six standard deviations between The mean & the nearest specification limit) in any process. I learned trained in the South Korean Air Force, Nisshinbo, since then practiced everywhere I worked and had highly enhanced top quality products that have been manufactured and I am regarded as a valued team leader. * Managed Purchasing of materials including Japan, strategic planning for establishing and maintaining appropriate inventory levels, negotiating a competitive price, analyzing quality of materials, & resolving supply chain issues. * Trained & Practiced Pokka Yoke Which means MISTAKE PROPROOFING. It is any mechanism in a Lean Manufacturing process that helps an operator avoid mistakes. Trained at South Korean Air Force, & wherever I worked. In the production, I do not stop equipment while equipment is running and am constantly picking up finished products every one out of ten is checked and if there is DEFECTS then I would stop the machine (s) quickly and fix it and restart it. I saved materials and increased quality products by utilizing Lean concepts. * Managed TPM: (Total Productive Maintenance): A methodology for improved machine availability through better utilization of maintenance and production resources. It emphasizes techniques to improve equipment reliability by reducing the frequency of breakdowns and failures. I strengthened the three major goals of TPM by having Zero unplanned failures, Zero products defects, and zero accidents. Increased high quality productivity at Nisshinbo Automotive Manufacturing. * Trained SMED: It stands for "Single Minute Exchange of Dies". In Lean Manufacturing initiatives it has become an acronym for SETUP REDUCTION: Trained in Set up reduction, reduced the amount of down time involved in changing over from one process to another. I trained at Southwire, Nisshinbo Automotive Manufacturing, and DuPont. After that I reduced down time and greatly increased productivity. * Trained 5'S: (1, Seiri: Tidiness, 2, Seiton: Orderliness, 3, Seiso: Cleanliness, 4, Seiketsu: Standardization, 5, Shitsuke: Sustaining the practice): Trained at the South Korean Air Force, University of Georgia publication Department, DuPont, Southwire, and highly organized work space for efficiency & effectiveness by identifying & storing the items used, and reduced / prevented accidents. * Trained Kanban: It is "visible record" in Japanese, it is a system of notification from one process to the other in a manufacturing system. It describes the parts, supplier, & quantity. Highly reduced process time, prevent mixing with other similar finished products, and also quick inventory time. * Layouts & Work Cell Design: Using the results of value stream mapping and workflow analysis to improve the macro and micro layout 0f the process. Created micro layout of the work cell designed by utilizing workflow analysis. Increased productivity and reduced lead time at Nisshinbo Automotive Manufacturing including all of the previous employers. * Trained & Practiced JIT: Just-in-time means providing what is needed, when it is needed, in the quantity it is needed. Trained for all of previous work places and contributed to earning high customer satisfaction and built a strong relationship with all clients. * One Piece Flow: I practiced and trained it reduced process and inventory time greatly by moving one work place to the next one at a time without allowing inventory to build up in-between steps. I practiced this methodology for the previous employers. * QFD: I practiced this QFD (Quality Function Development) technique to build a strong relationship with customers. This "Voice of the customer" and match customer requirements including technical requirements earned more customer satisfaction. Practiced and trained for all of the previous employers. * DFA/DFM: I Practiced Design for Assembly and Design for Manufacturability techniques that improved Manufacturing quality productivity which also greatly reduced process time. I trained and Practiced for all of the previous employers. * Workflow Analysis: Analyzing the physical layout of a process flow that helped reducing travel distances, elimination redundancies, improving communication, and quality.

Work Experience
(Confidential) | Trainer (Part Time Privately) | 4/2016 - Present |
(Company Closure) | Operations Manager | 10/2010 - 3/2016 |


Job Skills
