Occupation:Product Design Engineer |
Location:Lubbock, TX |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
Murari Garipally 3102, 4th Street| Lubbock, TX, 79415 | murari.garipally@gmail.com | 682-226-3117 Date: 02/17/2015 Dear Sir/Madam, I am a Master’s student at Texas Tech University in Electrical Engineering with my concentration in RF Design and Testing. My course work related to the field of RF includes Analog IC design, Microwave Solid State Circuits, Radar Engineering, Antenna and radiating Systems. I have expertise in the usage of tools like Cadence Virtuoso, AWR, MATLAB, Xilinx and LABVIEW. The projects done in these courses are: Schematic Design and Layout of Common Mode Feedback operational amplifier, Design and Fabrication of highly linear Low noise amplifier, Design and assembly of FMCW range radar, Design of Linear and circular polarized patch antenna and Design of two element phased array antenna. These projects along with class room activity have inculcated in me the knowledge in the field of RF design. As a part of independent studies under Dr. Changzhi Li, I have designed ‘Fibre optic Monopole Antenna’ which has a better performance than its copper counterpart. The results were tested on PXI-1075.[Tooraj Nikoubin, Murari Garipally, Thien-An Nguyen, Zheng Wang, Saed Mohammad, Changzhi Li, “Fiber Antenna for Wireless Body Area Networks”, IEEE/RWW-Radio & Wireless Week, 25-28th January 2015]. I also understand that the other fields are equally important for an electrical engineer. Hence I have taken up VLSI Design, Computer Architecture and Digital testing. As a part of these courses I have gained expertise in Verilog coding and working on NI’s PXI and TI’s VLCT in the testing of CD4070BE an XOR gate and CD4063BE a comparator. Strong communication skills and ability to perform better in stressful situations groom my character as an individual. I held the position of Public Relations Officer for the term 2014-15 in India Student Association at Texas Tech University which inculcated the skills of team work and leadership in me. With my strong technical knowledge and skills developed through relevant course in electrical engineering added with soft skills make me an ideal candidate for the position. Looking forward to discuss more about this position with you. Sincerely, Murari Garipally Master’s In Electrical Engineering Texas Tech University
