159 Willow Drive973-440-0584 Easton, PA Marlene Egan Registered Nurse Compassionate healthcare professional with exceptional clinical experience. Comfortable in fast paced emergency situations and adept in crisis management. Successful in managing time, prioritizing tasks and exercising the sound judgment required to improve the quality of patient care. Core competencies include: Clinical care of surgical, perioperative, postoperative and endoscopy patients, including but not limited to moderate sedation in the surgical setting and pre operative assessment and planning of surgical patients with emphasis on cardiac patients for non-cardiac surgery. Experience10/2013- 2/2014Nurses 24/7 staffing agency St. Peters University Hospital (16 week contract) New Brunswick, NJ Registered Nurse • Staff nurse on a busy preoperative unit for 10 working operating rooms with a wide variety of surgical procedures. • Care of patients ranging from infancy to elderly. • Adapted to a new working area in a short period of time including learning, and proficiency in, McKesson computer documentation. 12/2012-9/2013Morris County Surgical CenterParsippany, NJ Registered Nurse • Charge nurse in operating room including clinical nursing care of preoperative, postoperative (Phase 1 and Phase2) and endoscopy patients. • Quality Assurance – maintained QA for proper pre-surgical antibiotic administration. • Overall management of the Pyxis machine in the operating rooms. • Ordering for anesthesia room and supplies; crash cart and malignant hyperthermia cart. 12/2011-4/2012 NJSR Surgery Center Pompton Lakes, NJ Registered Nurse • Charge Nurse in Operating rooms. • Provided professional nursing care to patients undergoing surgery. • Care of patients undergoing pain management injections. • Prioritized care to each patient entering the operating suite. 9/2009-12/2011 Florham Park Surgery Center Florham Park, NJ Registered Nurse (Operating Room) • Managed patients undergoing surgical procedures, before during and after major and minor operations. • Provided nursing care in pre-operative, post-operative and operating room for various surgical procedures including orthopedic, gynecological, genitourinary, plastics, ENT, bariatric, laparoscopic, minor abdominal and podiatry. • In charge of endoscopy suite including ordering all supplies as well as the care of endoscopy patients pre, post and during the procedures. 159 Willow Drive973-440-0584 Easton, PA Marlene Egan 2005-5/2009Morristown Memorial Hospital Morristown, NJ Registered Nurse (Labor and Delivery Unit and Ante partum Unit) • Nursing care for low and high risk ante partum, intra partum, and post partum patients. • Nursing care for patients and infants during scheduled and emergent surgical procedures in the operating room as a Circulating and Scrub Nurse. • Care of patients in PACU following Cesarean Sections. • Assisted physicians with pharmacological interventions of Labor and Delivery, including but not limited to: Pitocin, Cervidil, and Cytotec inductions. • Initiate, regulate and maintain patients on PCA’s. • Care of pre-term laboring patients and patients experiencing fetal loss. • Knowledge and application of OB Traceview fetal monitoring, IPRob charting software, Electronic Birth Certificate Programs, and LifePak cardiac monitors. 2003-2005Morristown Memorial Hospital Morristown, NJ Registered Nurse (Mother Baby Unit) • Care of post partum and post-operative gynecological patients. • Transitional Nurse in newborn nursery, assumed charge position when needed. • Postpartum education on Breastfeeding to Lactating Women. 2001-2003St. Clare’s Hospital Denville, NJ Registered Nurse (Mother Baby Unit) • All duties and skills as listed above. 2000-2001Valley HospitalRidgewood, NJ Registered Nurse (Mother Baby Unit) • All duties and skills as listed above. 1998-2000Valley HospitalRidgewood, NJ Registered Nurse (Neurological Unit) • Provide direct nursing care on a busy neurological floor, caring for CVA and ventilator dependent patients, as well as a wide variety of medical surgical patients. • Proficient in Meditech Computer Documentation. 159 Willow Drive973-440-0584 Easton, PA Marlene Egan 1992-1998Bergen Regional Medical Center Paramus, NJ Licensed Practical Nurse • Float Pool and Staff nurse caring for sub-acute ventilator, orthopedic and long term care patients. • Assumed Charge position when needed. EducationBergen Pines School of Practical Nursing Paramus, NJ • NJ Diploma of Practical Nursing in August of 1992 Bergen County Community College Paramus, NJ • Associate Degree of Applied Science in Nursing in June of 1998. CertificationsAll Current • ACLS Certified • BLS Certified • PACU Certified • I.V. Certified • Phlebotomy Certified • Moderate sedation