Occupation:Production Supervisor |
Location:Phoenix, AZ |
Education Level:Some College Units Completed |
Will Relocate:YES |
To permanently establish myself within a Food MFG Operation where with my experience, knowledge,leadership, commitment, team player, coach pro-active & Food Safety & Quality conscious I can effectively contribute to their processing operations Virgil Moralez 2245 Peach Ave. # 60 Clovis, CA. vrgi855@aol.com / Cell-626-931-9409 June 30, 2015 ATTN: Human Resource Manager / Director of Manufacturing Operations Hello, as highly Professional Food MFG. Manager I’m extremely interested in inquiring for a Supervisory Production opportunity within your organization, or other opportunities where you may perceive that with my previous Food Skills I could effectively contribute to the continued success of your organizatio Virgil Moralez 3750 N. Fresno St. # 131 / Fresno, CA. 73726 vrgi855@aol.com / Cell-626-931-9409 June 30, 2015 ATTN: Human Resource Manager / Director of Manufacturing Operations Hello, as highly Professional Food MFG. Manager I’m extremely interested in inquiring for a Production Supervisory opportunity within your organization, or other opportunities where you may perceive that with my previous Food Skills I could effectively contribute to the continued success of your organization? I’m familiar with the excellent reputation your organization has throughout the Food Industry and world. I trust that I can effectively meet the requirements for a Food Production opportunity! If you will please review my resume you will view I’ve successful Food Management experience in a variety of Food Products. I’m experience and knowledgeable Government Food Safety Regulations, “HACCP, USDA, BRC, GMP’s, Food Defense, as well as developing and implementing SOP’s, SSOP’s, Safety & Sanitation Guidelines. Knowledgeable and experience with full line of Bakery Product, twelve years plus in the Hispanic Food Industry with experience in frozen meat snacks, tamales tortillas, chips, Salsa, Etc. Processing experience with Organic Frozen Products that include skillet dinners, pastas, pizzas, pockets, pot pies, some canning & aseptic, etc! I’m a team player at all levels committed to company Mission, Goals, Objectives, Product Quality, & Safety. Leadership competency to maintain effective process control, team spirit & harmony, among team members, assure team members adhere to Company Policies, SOP’s, SSOP’s, GMP’s, Food Safety Guidelines. Strong analytical skills to execute sound decisions and possessing a spirit of innovation in the pursuit of operation excellence! Ability to vision for moving forward in order to be competitive and successful! I’ve the ability to execute Production & Safety Team Meeting in Spanish as well as to Train, Coach, & Mentor team members in Spanish. Currently I’m in pursuing a new associate with an organization that can benefits from my experience, knowledge, initiative, and leaderships skills as a seasonal manager. I’m confident I could effectively contribute to your production environment and develop into an asset & key production team member within your organization. I’m willing to work all shifts, weekends, & overtime as necessary. I would like the opportunity at your convenience to arrange a telephone interview or visit where we can review my Qualifications & Experience in how they may benefits your organization? I would’ve no challenges in relocating. Looking forward in hearing from you soon! Shall send References upon request! Sincerely, Virgil Moralez Virgil Moralez 3750 N. Fresno St. # 131 Fresno, CA. 93726– vrgi855@aol.com – 626-931-9409 June 30, 2015 OBJECTIVE: To permanently establish myself within a Food MFG. environment in a production supervisory role where with my Experience, Knowledge, & Leadership skills I could effectively Train & Coach team members to the next level of execution in job performance thus enhancing the performance of the production operations. Be viewed by peers as a team player at all levels committed to Company Goals, Objectives, Mission, Quality, & Safety. Viewed as being fair, trusting, and respective of team members at all levels and with a vision to move forward. KEY QUALIFICATIONS: • Leadership & Organizational skills to effectively track, control, monitor, direct, staff, and assure team members adhere to Company Policies, Food Government Regulations, SOP’s, GMP’s, Safety, & Lok-Out / Tag-Out Guidelines. • Competency to maintain harmony, team spirit among team members to meet daily targeted Goals & Objectives. • Capabilities to effectively Train & Coach team members to execute job tasks & functions to the next level. • Knowledgeable and Experience with HACCP, USDA, BRC, GMP’s, Safety, Sanitation, SOP’s, & Team Building. • Ability to develop and implement SOP’s, SSOP’s, GMP’s, Safety & Sanitation Guidelines. • Competency in be analytical to execute sound decision and ability to vision for the future. • Effective communication skills English & Spanish, verbal, written, being precise and clear & professional interpersonal skills under all circumstances. Conduct daily, weekly, & monthly production, safety, quality, & maintenance meeting. • Competency to meet daily targeted Goals & Objectives, resolution to challenges, maintain process control, execute Time Management, Line Waste, Efficiency, Yields, & Quality Studies. Develop Project, Resolution, & Safety Teams, etc. • Competency to assure that production Documents are completed accurately, neatly, and in a timely manner as expected. • Experience with Fresh & Frozen Bakery Products, Laminated dough, baked & fried products, & Pastries etc. Experience with Hispanic Products, Frozen Meat Snacks, Tortillas flour/corn, chips, salsas, shells, etc. Experience with Organic Frozen Products, Pockets, Pastas, Pot Pies, Burritos, Pizzas, Skillet Dinners, Minimal Vegetable Canning, etc. • Experience & Knowledgeable of Bakery Equipment from Rec. to Packaging & Processing Cooking Equipment, etc CAREER ACHIEVEMENTS: • Gourmet India Food Co. (GIFCO) Reduction of Mixing & Packaging team by 40% & 30 % from the addition of automated equipment and effective Training & Coaching of team members in operating new equipment. • GIFCO, designed layout flow for new bakery equipment & over saw installation of new equipment in all Process Dept. • GIFCO, designed product line flow from mixing to packaging, layout design & installation of present and new bakery equipment. Designed the addition of new production offices, scaling ingredient room, relocation of Maintenance Shop, and reengineering of facility for installation of new equipment. • GIFCO, HACCP BRC, GMP, Safety team members. Interfaced with BRC Consultant to plan for modifications that would be necessary in the production environment & facility to meet BRC Regulations. Facility received four years in row Audit score of 94.0 or higher from Silliker Lab. Production documents were consistently completed accurately, neat, & timely. • GIFCO trained & coached supervisors, Leads, & Operators to develop their skills for executing job tasks & functions to the next level of performance. Executed weekly production meeting, monthly Safety & GMP Meeting and Plant Inspections. • Red Ribbon Bakeshop / Jollibee, (RRB) trained & coached production team members to execute job tasks & functions according to SOP’s procedures to assure expected product quality was achieved “consistently.” Improved facility & equipment Sanitation to expected Food Standards that were lacking. • RRB Championed a Safety Incentive Program & Plant Safety Committee. Reduce accidents significantly & WC yearly cost. RRB assisted in designing layout for production lines in new 60,000sq facility. Involved with the purchase of Tunnel Washer, Dough Dividing Line, Rack Oven for efficiency improvements in sanitation & baking department, etc. • RRB Sent to Hayward, CA. Plant to improve Production efficiency, Sanitation conditions, & to organize Facility. Was sent to the new east coast facility for opportunity as Plant Manager, however, RRB was sold & I was kept at the CA. Plant. • Nestle, reengineered Specialty Line failed to meet targeted line quality of 96 % due to voids in the products. Developed Resolution Team to find solution, it was discovered that the interior cavity of the Die Cut Presser was starving for product to the cutters. This was due to a V-shape forms on both interior sides of the Die Cut not allowing the product to flow freely. By removing V-shape forms and installing 180 degree forms the product flowed smoothly to the press chamber and product units were no longer had voids, went from 74% to 97% in First Time quality, • Nestle team member for developing Up Stream Grading-Line Process Control & Implementation for First Time Quality. • Nestle team member for developing Process Manual for French Fry & Specialty Departments. • JEJ Foods Facility in charge of received a Superior Sanitation rating from AIB. Pg – 2 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Project / Plant Manager 2008 – Jan. -2014 Whittier, CA. Naan Flatbread Products PROJECT & PRODUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES: • Reengineer production environment from manual labor to automation by purchase of new bakery equipment. • Design process layout & flow for new equipment from Receiving to Packaging • Interface with Health, Engineer Contractors, Building Safety, HAACP, BRC, Gas, Fire Dept, & Equip. Tech. Inspectors. • Improve efficiency & yield output, line & ingredient waste reduction, reduction of workforce, Train & Coach team members to operate new equipment effectively. Conduct monthly Safety, Production, & GMP Meeting, etc. • Develop & implement SOP, SSOP, Safety Guidelines, Sanitation SOP, Lok-Out/Tag-Out, etc. • Team member of HACCP, BRC, Team, interface with BRC Consultant for reviewing plant Projects to meet BRC standards. • Assured team members adhered to Company Policies, SOP, Safety Guidelines, & targeted objectives meant consistently. • Monitored & assured product quality standards, efficiency, and process were continually in control. • Monitored & assured that production environment was maintained orderly, free of clutter, safe for executing job tasks. • Monitored & assured Maint. addressed line mechanical challenges, executed equipment PM in a timely manner, Lok-Out/Tag-Out adhere, MSDS were in assigned location & Maintenance adhered to GMP, Safety, & HACCP Policies. • Assured Production documents were done accurately, neatly, and in a timely manner Red Ribbon Bakeshop / Jollibee Corp. Production Manager 2004–2008 City of Industry, CA. Pilipino Cakes, Pastries, Rolls, & Meals RESPONSIBILITIES: • To develop and organized the production environment and team members to meet expected food quality standards for processing bakery products. To train team members to the next level of performance execution. • Trained & coached production team members the importance in adhering to company policies, SOP, SSOP, GMP, Safety & Sanitation Guidelines. To improved efficiency, product quality, control waste, sanitation, & Food Safety. • Developed & implemented SOP. SSOP, GMP, & Safety Guidelines. Reduced accident injuries significantly lowering WC yearly cost. Developed an Incentive Program & Plant Safety Committee. • Conducted monthly Safety Meeting, weekly Production Meeting, monthly Inspection of facility, etc • Monitored & assured daily objective were meant, product quality was to standards, SOP, Company Policies, & Food Safety Guidelines were adhered to. Assured Lok-Out/Tag Out was adhered to by Operators & Maintenance. • Worked on line process layout for new 60,000sqft facility. Assisted with the purchasing for new dough dividing line, arm mixers, 30’ sanitation tunnel washer, and other bakery equipment. • Assured Maintenance executed mechanical line challenges and PM in a timely manner. • Sent to Hayward, CA, facility to develop processing improvements, organization, sanitation, and facility to expected quality standards. Sent to east coast for opportunity of Plant Manager for new facility supporting new New York stores. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amy’s Kitchen Night Production Manager 2002-2003 Santa Rosa, CA. Organic Frozen Products / Vegetables Canning RESPONSIBILITIES: • Monitored and assured Production Lines “ Burrito, Pasta, Pot Pie, Pizza, Pocket, & Packaging” were in control and meeting expected objectives for Quality Standards, Efficiency, Waste Control, and Safety. • Developed Safety SOP Guidelines for new Pizza Line Divider and trained team members on operation of line. Trained Operators on operating new Pocket Line to expectations. Trained present & new Packaging Operators. • Monitored & assured kitchen team members adhered to company processing SOP’s, attained expected product quality meant targeted specification & worked safely. Assure Documents were done accurately and in a timely manner. • Monitored Canning Line Processing as required, monitored product freezing was to targeted temperatures for packaging. & assured Organic Guidelines were adhered to throughout the production environment. • Assured Maintenance addressed mechanical line challenges in a timely manner and equipment was operating safely. Assured that mechanic & operators adhered to Lok-Out / Tag-Out procedures. • Trained & Coach Supervisor, Leads, & Operators to improve personal skills in performing job tasks, functions expected of a supervisor or lead, confident in operating equipment effectively, and controlling processing effectively. • Assured Production documents were completed accurately and in a timely manner. Pg – 3 Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies Night Supervisor 2001-2002 San Leandro, CA. Frozen Cookies & Muffins RESPONSIBILITIES: • Night supervisor overseeing the Mixing Dept, Cookie, Muffin, and Packaging lines, and Baking Dept. • Monitored that product quality was to expected quality standards throughout the process from mixing to packaging. • Monitored that cookie and muffins yields were within targeted goals, lines were operating efficiently, baking of products was to expected standards, line waste was in control, and production environment was maintained orderly and clean. • Interfaced with QC to assure cookies & muffins were to targeted quality for packaging. • Monitored and assured Carousel Packaging Machine was sealing product packages effectively. • Monitored that cookie freezing temperature for cookies was maintained to target specifications. • Run team members breaks, filled in for absent team member as needed & performed Sanitation CIP as required. • Assured maintenance addressed equipment maintained challenges in a timely manner. • Assured documents were executed accurately and in a timely manner. Specialty Brands / USDA Process Manager / Night Superintendent 1998 –2000 Riverside, CA. Frozen Hispanic Snacks / Burritos-Tamales- Tortillas RESPONSIBILITIES: • Monitored and assured cooking of burrito meat filling approximately million pounds of finished product daily was cooked to targeted temperatures and HACCP & USDA specifications for delivery to production lines were adhered to! • Monitored & assured quality of baked burrito tortillas for burrito wrapping were mixed and baked to specifications. • Monitored freezing temperatures of Spiral freezers were to targeted specification for freezing burritos to targeted tempt. • Monitored and assured Production Documents throughout the Processing & Packaging were done accurately, neatly, and in a timely manner and placed in their assigned location. • Assured Production Process & Lines were operating in control, effectively, efficiently, expected quality attained, and equipment and team members working safely. • Interfaced with USDA Inspector as needed, maintained communication with QA to assure Quality Standards were within specifications. Executed weekly Production and Safety Meeting, Trained and Coached all Production team members to execute to next level in performing expected job tasks & functions. • Special Projects were to develop an isolated flow pass for raw products and IQF to prevent cross contamination. Increase meat tote freezer with additional tote pallet spaces executed by going two totes deep. Purchase Blender for capacity required, design layout, and install. Team member for the installation of automated Burrito Folders. Work with outside Tortilla supplier to improve quality. Took over night shift when night Superintendent resigned. Nestle / Carnation Division Specialty Line Manager 1992 – 1998 Nampa, ID. Frozen Potato Snacks Hispanic Food Industry Ruiz Foods /Process Manager / Tulare, CA. 1987 - 1991 Los Reyes / Operation Manager / Marrieta, GA. 1986 - 1987 JEJ Foods / Springfield, VA. / Operation Manager 1985 – 1986 EDUCATION: Psyc


Job Skills
