Skilled team player with strong background in Medical environments. Works well independently to handle assignments and always ready to go beyond basics assignments. Quick learner with good computer abilities. S ki I I S 0 phlebotomy 0 Venipuncture o Schedule appointments o Obtain blood samples » Perform data entry » Measure and record vital signs o Clean exam rooms o Answer phone calls » Explaining blood draw procedures to patients and o Following all health and safety protocols and answering any questions about the process procedures to maintain sanitary WO1`k areas » Gathering medical testing materials, including ° Working with supervising Physicians and needles, sample vials, blood storage bags, and test following their directions at all times tubes » Mnltitasking e Documentation Expenence phlebotomist May 2020 - Sep 2020 Natioriulphlebotor/ty certincation exam - Charlotte, NC - Preparing patients before drawing blood - Explaining blood draw procedures to patients and answering any questions about the process - Following all health and safety protocols and procedures to maintain sanitary work areas - Gathering medical testing materials, including needles, sample vials, blood storage bags, and test tubes - Verifying patient information and labeling blood samples properly - Accurately updating patient information in the organizations database - Helping nervous or frightened patients remain calm during blood draws - Working with supervising Physicians and following their directions at all times Medical Assistant Mar 2020 - Sep 2020 American Registry of Medical Assistants - wesmeld, MA - Schedule appointments - Obtain blood samples - Perform data entiyMeasure and record vital signs - Clean exam rooms - Answer phone calls Managing Physician Sep 2002 - Dec 2019 My private medical 0]j'ice - mashhad, khomsan mzuvi, IRAN - developing a roster of patients by providing compassionate, holistic care - Seeing patients daily in the office and visit them in hospital settings when required - Maintaining accurate and detailed medical records about each patient, including observations during examinations - Prescribing medication or therapy when necessary - Recommending lifestyle changes as appropriate to improve the quality of life Ed ucation Registry 0fMedical Assistants Sep 2020 American Registry ofMedical Assistants - wesWeld_ MA My medical license is Not approved in the united states, so 1 write this only as job experiences, Technician : phlebotorriist illuy 2020 National phlebotomy ccrttficatian exam - Washington DC M .D, : Medicine Dec 1993 Yazd medical science university - Yazd, IRAN

