To utilize my diversified skills in higher education and public health, where my clinical, management, organizational skills and strong commitment to excellence would be mutually beneficial. referrals, Psychosocial Assessments, Behavior Management Program, and petitioning for guardianship, as well as, petitioning for crisis intervention ie. ER-Crisis. 2011 - 2011 Director of Social Services, St. Joseph Nursing Center: Admitting & Discharging Residents, Psychiatric referrals (Crisis Intervention), Dental and Vision referrals, Psychosocial Assessments, Behavior Management Program, and petitioning for guardianship, as well as, petitioning for crisis intervention ie. ER-Crisis. 2010 - 2011 Director of Social Services, Westwood Nursing Center: Admitting & Discharging Residents, Psychiatric referrals (Crisis Intervention), Dental and Vision referrals, Psychosocial Assessments, Behavior Management Program, and petitioning for guardianship, as well as, petitioning for psych services. 1997 - 2014 Former Director of Social Services at New Light Nursing Home/Heritage Manor Nursing & Rehab Center, Consultant: Assisting the Director of Social Service at New Light Nursing Home/Heritage Manor Nursing Center: Auditing admissions practices and discharge residents, advocate, document, overseeing the referrals to NSO/OAS for psychiatric services, as well as, dental, podiatry, and ophthalmologist, respond to complaints from residents or family members, counseling patients with addiction and bereaved family members, petitioning for guardianship and psychiatric placement, and monitoring residents with behavior problems/psychiatric diagnosis. 2009 - 2010 Director of Social Services, Warren Woods Health Care, Formerly Nightingale Health Care Center: Had administrative authority and accountability for the provision of psychosocial needs of the residents and patients. 2009 - Present Adjunct Faculty at Wayne County Community College, Teaching Group Expression for Self Growth 1- HUS 105 & 120, GER 110, 115, & 120. Certified to teach twenty- four classes and currently working towards becoming certified to teach Distant Learning online courses. 2004 - 2008 Director of Social Service, Americare Convalescent Center: Admitting & Discharging Residents, Psychiatric referrals, Dental and Vision referrals, Psychosocial assessments, Behavioral Management Program, and petitioning for guardianship, as well as petitioning to hospital for psych services. 2001 - 2006 ER Psychiatric Clinician, St. John Detroit Riverview Hospital: ER Crisis-assessments and responsible for Admitting/transferring psychiatric patients to mental health hospitals.

