QUALIFICATIONS * Civil Engineer with over 15 years of planning and design of commercial properties. * Ability to monitor, update and successfully meet construction schedules and budgets * Capable of working on multiple projects and meeting client's expectations. * Experienced in problem solving and providing solutions. * Display great attitude and positive personality at all times making work more enjoyable. * Efficient, dependable, hardworking, friendly and motivated. * Persuasive, with ability to communicate efficiently with culturally diverse audience. * Proficient in all relevant computer software skills such as, AutoCAD, Lotus Notes, Civil 3D, MS Office Word and Excel among others. PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATION Professional Engineer (PE) registered in the state of Texas, since 2004 City Public Work Project funded by private in conjunction with Wal-Mart store developments (2225 W. interstate 20) Project scope included: Design of quarter mile, brand new 4 lane divided roadway, while Wal-Mart was under construction. Design of public water & sewer improvement along entire stretch of roadway, with consideration of future development. Hydrology and hydraulic analysis to include drainage studies of upstream area (north of Interstate 20) draining course rerouting existing open ditch and converted it into an underground system. Interpretation of geotechnical information and coordination with surveyor on topographic/ ALTA surveys, easements and plats. of Dallas Sidewalk Improvement Plan and Median Streetscaping Project. Projects are funded by the cities' Capital Improvement Program bond. The sidewalk project includes improvements to more than 20,000 LF of new or rehabilitated areas in 13 different locations throughout the city. The Median Streetscaping project consists of intersection and median enhancements barrier free ramps and sidewalk installations cross walk identification and design. Coordination with surveyor and city and hiring of DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) sub-consultants. Both projects are currently underway. Circle K Stores. Over 3-acre fuel service station & convenience store with future planning on surplus land. Engineering services included onsite detention design downstream public storm sewer analysis hooded left turn and 2 decel/ turn lane design for Circle K access drives. Coordination with adjacent development on future drive connection and public water design. UST Facility plan application coordination and permitting with TCEQ in Edward Aquifer Transition Zone. Land Rover Frisco. 2-acre commercial land development with future site planning for 10-acre tract. Engineering services included offsite drainage studies to include detention pond design and offsite water and sewer improvements. QuikTrip gas and convenience store with parking and necessary utilities. Coordination with TXDOT on deceleration lane and driveway access permits Auto Zone Store. 1-acre site development on the Edward Aquifers Recharge Zone. Designed of WPAP (Water Pollution Abatement Plan) and coordinating with TCEQ on permit. Mixed-used commercial. 4.5-acre site development on a 10-acre property that required platting site planning utilities layout and drainage design for the remainder. 1.26-acre site development on a 4.15-acre property with scope of work including utility coordination platting planning land use and entitlement grading and drainage design. * Additional project experiences will be provided upon request.

