Summary: * 8 plus years of Java Development Experience that includes Analysis, Design, Development, documentation, Implementation, testing phases of Enterprise, Client/Server, Web based and system level applications in Java, J2EE, J2SE technologies. * Strong experience in SDLC with Waterfall, Iterative, Agile (Scrum) Methodologies (TDD) for Object Oriented applications and web based Enterprise Applications. * Expert in Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior driven development (BDD) methodologies. * Experience in Analysis and Design including OOAD techniques and knowledge of design patterns. * Involved in UML Modelling (unified process), Entity Relationship diagrams, Class diagrams, Use Case diagrams, Sequence diagrams, Data flow diagrams using UML2.0, Rational Rose and Microsoft Visio. * Experience in MVC architecture using JSP Servlets, J2EE Design Patterns, Struts, Spring Framework (Spring MVC/IOC/ORM/AOP/Security/Boot). * Hands-on experience with Spring IOC, Spring Framework (MVC) 2.x/3.x/4.x, Struts Framework, Spring JMS template, Spring Web flow, Spring AOP, Spring JDBC templates, Spring Boot, Spring security and Spring transactions. * Experience in building Microservices with the help of Spring Boot and developed Spring based applications with very less configuration. * Experience on working with Hibernate for mapping the java objects to relational database and SQL queries to fetch the data, insert, delete and update the data from the database. * Have good knowledge of JDBC connectivity with relational databases like Oracle, MySql etc. Consumed messages in the form of JSON and added them in NOSQL database MongoDB * Experience with XML technologies like XML, DTD, XSD, XSLT, JAXP (DOM & SAX), and JAXB. * Good knowledge in implementing JAVA/JEE design patterns such as MVC, Singleton, Factory Business Delegate, Data Access Object, Front Controller, Service Locator, Session Façade and Transfer Object. * Good knowledge in using Java 8 enhancements like functional programming, Lambda expressions, Parallel Streams API to achieve high productivity. * Expertise knowledge in implementing Core Java concepts along with strong understanding Garbage Collector, Collections, Multithreading, Concurrency, Event handling, Synchronization, Data Structures, Streams & File I/O Exception handling and Generics. * Experience in developing enterprise applications using RMI, EJB, JMS, ActiveMQ, JPA, JDBC, JTA. * Have good understanding of JSP, Servlets, JSF, JSTL, EJB transaction implementation (CMP, BMP, Message-Driven Beans), JMS, Struts, Spring, Swing, Hibernate, Java Beans, JDBC, XML, XSLT, JAXB, SQL, PL/SQL etc. * Worked with SOAP based web services using WSDL, SOAP, JAXB, CXF, AXIS, JAX-WS and Restful web services using JAX-RS, CXF and JERSEY APIs. * Used SOA Architecture to Develop SOAP Webservice, generated WSDL and consume the services. * Experience in development and implementation of Restful Web Service as a Provider and consumer using messaging medium as JSON and implemented Soap based web services, WSDL and UDDI using XML over HTTP (s), SOAP, WSDL, Restful protocols. * Experience in using JAXB, JAXP parsing and XML Bean to process, validate, parse and extract data from XML files. * Experienced in developing UI technologies like JSP, Servlets, JSTL Filters, Listeners XML HTML, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, JavaScript / jQuery, Ajax, Design Patterns, XSL/XSLT, Angular JS, Node JS including the use of frameworks such as Bootstrap. * Expertise in Web-Development technologies like Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, XSL/XSLT, AJAX, JNDI, jQuery. * Experience in deploying web and J2EE enterprise applications on Apache Tomcat, Web logic, JBoss, IBM Web sphere application servers and IBM Web Sphere ESB (Enterprise Service Bus). * Experience in using Apache Cassandra for high performance of an application. * Hands on experience in HQL, Transactions, Exceptions, JMS, JTA, MQ. * Worked with various IDE tools like Eclipse, Net Beans, RAD, IntelliJ, Android Studio. * Created session EJB and message driven bean (MDB) to process JMS XML messages and developed various EJBs (session and entity beans) for handling business logic. * Experience in version control systems like CVS, SVN and GIT for maintaining a platform between various applications. * Experience in using Log4j to identify the errors in production test environment. * Experience in Ant, Maven, and Gradle tools for creating build scripts. * Worked with JIRA for bug tracking and issue tracking and defect tracking tools like Clear Quest, Quality Center. * Extensive experience in design and development of database systems using Relational Database management systems like Oracle, DB2 MYSQL, MYSQL server and No-SQL databases technologies including Cassandra, Mongo-DB and programming with technologies like SQL, PL/SQL * Proficient in writing Stored Procedures, Functions, DDL and DML SQL queries. * Experience using Jenkins tool for building CI/CD pipeline. * Knowledge of software testing tools as Cucumber-JVM, Selenium tools. * Knowledge of continuous code quality tools SonarQube. * Experience in using NoSQL database MongoDB. * Good Knowledge with migration to AWS from Datacenter. * Good Knowledge on Amazon Web Services (EC2, S3, DynamoDB, RDS, Elastic Load Balancing, SQS, SNS, IAM, Cloud Watch, EBS), using the Elasticsearch APIs (Document, Search, Indices, Cluster, etc.) High Availability Practices and deploying backup/restore infrastructure. * Knowledge in AWS infrastructure on various resources EBS, Security Group and Auto Scaling in Cloud Formation JSON templates and some internet technologies including TCP/IP and HTTP. * Good knowledge on Apache Kafka. * Good knowledge on Apache Camel. * Knowledge on Jasper reporting tool. * Experience with using Testing to automate the unit tests while using the Selenium to perform browser integrity and unit test automation. * Experienced in writing unit test cases, implement unit test classes using JUNIT and Mockito and Performed manual testing on web services using Soup UI * Knowledge in AngularJS controllers, views, and services for new website features. * Used AngularJS filters for search, sorting, pagination and custom filters. * Have knowledge on the server-side scripting using Node.JS to develop the applications, which are data intensive real-time applications that run on distributed devices and to use Node.JS to establish the connectivity between database and client.

