COVER LETTER: Dear : I have been an Nation Star Mortgage customer since 20xx and during that time, I have enjoyed my experience with Nation Star greatly. I am writing to see if you would be willing to make a goodwill adjustment to your reporting to the three credit agencies. I have 8 late payments on the above referenced account that date back to Since that time I have been an exceptional customer paying every month on time. Because of my exceptional payment over the last year, I would like you to consider removing the negative payments from my credit report. At the time of the late payments, I was in the process of changing job. I say that not to justifay why the late payments were late, but rather show that the late payments are not a good indicator of my actual credit worthiness. I hope that Nation Star is willing to work with me on erasing this mark from my credit reports. I have been a very happy customer in the past and hope to continue a long relationship with Nation Star Mortgage. Nation Star has been exceptional in my boos so far and I highly recommend it to all my friends and relatives. I hope that you will deeply consider my request and prove once again, why Nation Star is heads above the rest. I look forward to your reply. Sincerely, Tiffany Stanley